
It is now Monday afternoon on our trip to South Africa. It is hard to believe that so much has happened so far. I had expected to write an update every other day or so but this is our sixth day in country and the first chance I have had to write anything.

The days have been long, but the work is very rewarding. So far we have done a motivational talk and a devotional at one of the primary schools and begun painting three houses. We have met wonderful people and shared in great meals. We have visited a small orphanage and done Bible school lessons and activities with up to 700 kinds at one time.

We have shared in worship with the congregation of Christian Revival Ministries and Pastor Josiah. Their expressive, heart-felt worship has touched and challenged all of us. We have also experienced their worship in the evangelism services the past four nights. This was my third experience of preaching through an interpreter and the best by far. Although most people understand English, an interpreter helps them understand better by translating the message into their mother tongue.

He have had the opportunity to begin building relationships with Pastor Josiah and his wife Mary, James our driver and Brighton, a pastor and evangelist who has partnered with the Praying Pelican Mission group. We have also begun to build relationships with many of the children and adults of the church and community.

The African church is a vibrant and growing church. They are not sitting back and waiting for missionaries to come and help them out, they are doing the work of ministry and sending missionaries of their own. By the way, I discovered that there are more African missionaries in America, than there are American missionaries in Africa.

One particular ministry that I have been impressed with is a part of the Global prayer network. They have developed an easy and practical method of evangelism based on Jesus sending out the 72 disciples in Luke 10. Brighton and one of his coworkers shared the program with us during two sessions and It is a simple amazing and natural way to introduce people to Jesus Christ.

I will share more later.